Resources for Professionals

The best tools you have as a skin health professional are your brain and your hands. There are so many paths in the skin health industry, and our options for education, skincare, and modalities are endless. In the 18+ years of my career, I have taken my fair share of courses, trainings, and used endless product lines for both skincare and makeup. I have found both value and disappointment within each category. Fads come and go, and it is easy to run out of money chasing “the next best thing” that looks like it will bring in a lot of money. Understanding the skin, cosmetic chemistry, practicing Corneotherapy, and using physiological products that are functional, logical, and adhere to science, will lead to a sustainable career where you will truly be able to help your clients. Whether you are new to the industry or you have been doing this awhile, I have composed a list of recommended education, modalities, and products for you. If you are still a student, my advice would be to wait until you have your license. Get through school, study hard for your state boards, and then pursue your continuing education relentlessly. In the U.S., the program you are going through is meant to prepare you for the minimum education requirements and safety and sanitation regulations for your state. You may find that some of the information you are required to learn in your program is outdated and harmful to the skin depending on your country. Once you are licensed, my advice is to compartmentalize your program education, store it in the basement of your brain, and start fresh with the pathway below.

These resources are valuable for dermatologists and estheticians.

Invest in yourself and don’t follow the crowd.  


1.     Robyn McAlpine’s Skinside Out Squad

Education, community, mentorship, business and education, resources, and practical information all in one.

Purchase her full consultation pack which comes with her book.

2.     Pastiche

Advanced Skin Analysis


3.     Derma Education TV

*Attend the Scientific Esthetics Symposium Yearly

Live Classes (these are the ones I have taken, there are even more great ones offered)

·      Intro to Cosmetic Chemistry & Ingredient Classifications

·      Understanding the Melanogenic Maze

·      Physiology of Skin Diseases & Disorders Primer

·      Seeing Red-Understanding Rosacea & Skin Sensitivity

·      The Rejuvenation Factor-Physiology and Morphology of Facial Ageing

·      Pharmacology Primer for Estheticians

·      Skin Immunity & Lymphatics

4.     dermaviduals®

Scientific publications anyone can access


Certifications with Education

1.     Corneotherapy Certification

Take the Corneotherapy course to become a member. Once you are a member, you will have access to more education via previous symposiums, articles, videos, and be eligible to attend future symposiums in person


2.     Oncology Certification


·      Gua Sha

·      Facial Reflexology

·      Facial Cupping and Acupressure



·      Corneotherapy link between dermatology and cosmetics by Dr. Hans Lautenschläger Order

 ·      Skin Barrier edited by Peter M. Elias and Kenneth R. Feingold

·      Plewig and Kligman’s Acne and Rosacea (4th edition)

·      The Face Pictorial Atlas of Clinical Anatomy by Radlanski, Wesker

 ·      Anatomy of Facial Expression by Uldis Zarins

·      Face Reading in Chinese Medicine by Lillian Bridges

 ·      Architecture of Human Living Fascia by Guimberteau, Armstrong



In the US, you are required to have at least 3 years experience and/or equivalent understanding and knowledge. (Follow the education pathway above)

 dermaviduals® US

 dermaviduals® (all other countries)

 *I do not recommend any other skincare lines.


The one with the offers…


Delivery Systems in Skincare